Recently, updates have been made to this webpage by the
Order of the Phoenix staff. One, rather pleasant change is that we are happy to announce that the Order of the Phoenix is now readable in ten different languages,
so readers across the globe will now be able to enjoy this blog as well.
Another announcement is that, because of the malfunctions of the LEGO Harry Potter game, repairs have been made, and it is once again playable.
The third and final announcement is that
The Order of the Phoenix is sponsered by Blogger, Feedburner, and Google.
Blogger, because it allowed the creation of this site, Feedburner, because it manages the feed for the Order of the Phoenix, and Google, because of its fantastic
site translator, which allows the Order of the Phoenix to live up to its description of reaching "Harry Potter fans across the globe".
Thanks to all three companies, without whom, this site would never be what it is today.