PhoenixCast, our unofficial Harry Potter podcast,
was just released over the Internet late last night.
We continue all the latest, biggest Harry Potter news stories,
continue our regular Harry Potter chapter discussions,
which we had skipped on our last, special, episode.
We also continue our "Chapter Quote" listener challenge,
where we quote a spoken sentence from one of the two book chapters
we summarized in our chapter discussions,
and briefly mention our plans for a special, upcoming episode.
For all this and more, take a listen to PhoenixCast #6- When sparks fly...in Wizard Duels!
To download episode, right-click the link below, then click
"Save target as..." , find where you want the file, download the episode,
then take a listen! http://traffic.libsyn.com/phoenixcast/PhoenixCast_6.mp3
(If you're left-handed, left-click episode link,
then find where you want the podcast file, download,
and then you can listen to the show!)