Thanks to PC Magazine's website, we now have
all-new images of the upcoming Pottermore.com
website, available to all this October!
To the left is the "Hogwarts acceptance letter"
issued from Pottermore.com, likely given to
anyone in the process of setting up an account.
(Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)
To the right is pictures of what PotterMore
members, if they are decided to be among
the Slytherin house, would likely see.
Members of other "houses" wouldn't see
this page, and some exclusive content
that it may hold.
And it has been made clear that,
as in the case of Harry Potter himself:
Once chosen for a Hogwarts house,
there is no going back, no second chance.
You'd have to create or use a second
e-mail account to try again, so be aware.
Either way, Harry Potter book fans will likely
love the site, from the look of it.
sometime this October.
No release date has yet
been announced.
As a reminder, e-book versions
of all seven Harry Potter books
will be available through PotterMore.com!