PotterMore CTO reveals "Chamber of Secrets" to debut online this Summer!

Just about two hours ago, it was unofficially revealed
 by PotterMore's Chief Technical Officer that
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets",
the second book in the Harry Potter series,
will debut on PotterMore sometime this Summer.

Looking back,  this announcement is not that much
of a surprise, and has been a while in coming.

The Pottermore staff have been releasing new pieces
of info concerning COS's development for a little while,
and given the fact that they don't really want people to
lose interest, It was really a question of if COS would be released either in the Summer, or the Fall.

For now, this cannot be considered official, and valid.
Even if this information isn't exact, it can't be too off the mark, either.

You can read more in the original announcement via the link below: