It was let slip in the newest edition of Entertainment Weekly where film makers have split
the story. And in the contents of this post, we'll discuss the shocking details of the film's split.
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Warning! If you use the following link, then you will view spoiling details concerning the
final two installments in the worldwide Harry Potter film franchise.

To the right is the mentioned article from Entertainment Weekly. It states in the first paragraph of the displayed page that Part 1 will end somewhere in Chapter 24 of the book, 3/4 of the story being compiled into Part 1, extending the epic battle scenes near the end of the book for Part 2. The full article can be read in the paper, this being a sneek peek. One question that other fans will doubtlessly be asking is: Why leave part 2 hardly any of the plot to show? The location of the film split has been the source of much debate among HP fans up until now. Although extending scenes in Part 2 is a hopeful, it is worrying because, if so much of the plot is dumped into Part 1, surely several things could be deleated from the film. And with no new HP books to make films out of, there can be no room for failure, no matter how slight. Fans demand something that will blow them away. To perform any less would be very, very bad.