Earlier in the week, a game demo of the newest HP video game,
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", debued on the web.
Very good timing indeed, given the fact that the game actully is released only about a week after the demo's oringinal release. The game is being released on its assigned date of Tuesday, June 30th, 2009. Only three days from now. The game devlopers say that one of the features of the game is that it has multiplayer modes.
What all of these modes are have not yet been confirmed. It is rumored that players can duel with each other in an arena. EA did say that there is a co-op mode in the game. The game, like the last two games, has been given a E10+ rating by the ESRB.
WB and EA games try to show that this game is much different then the previous one.
There is many extra features advertised to be in the game to make it more appealing to non-HP fans. EA has also made it clear to the public that they have spent a lot of time and effort to make it even more interesting when played on the Nintendo Wii.
It is confirmed that parts of the game will be motion-based on the Wii.
HP fans can only hope, with all these interesting special features, that this game will be as good as its producers say it is.