Universal theme park in Orlando, Florida. Featured in the theme park are several places and features shown in the Harry Potter books and films. Names of some of the attractions in the park have been recently been announced by WB representitives at a press event. Including the following: Hogwarts castle, Hagrid's hut, Hogsmede
village, and other attractions not seen in any of the HP books or films, such as the added roller coaster, "The Dragon Challenge", and "Flight of the Hippogriff".
And WB confirmed that other features will be added. They have not confirmed if they intend on adding a giant lake, as was mentioned in the books and films, was next to the main castle. Considering the lack of room for the theme park, it is possible that it may not be included. All that remains, is to find out for certain. To download the picture for viewing on a computor, right-click the picture, and click "save picture as". More updates on the theme park will be made when more information is released.