"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", the newest HP video game, has now been released into stores across the country. Prices of the game vary by system, but the actual game itself has gotten pretty good ratings by players. Not many reviews are avalible as of now. But the Nintendo Wii version of the game has gotten very good grades on sites like amazon.com, where it was given four stars in both reviews.
On the other hand, not all shipments of the game have been recieved yet by retailers like Wallmart. But most other stores have made copies of the game avalible to buy.
The two photos shown on either side of this post are actual screenshots taken from inside the game. One one side, a single photo depicts Harry, keeping his wand at the ready. In the other shows Harry and Dumbledore stopping and staring at something or someone with great intensity. If any suggestions are avalible, anyone is welcome to leave their suggestion or comment about this post below this post by double clicking on the "comments" tab.