The building shown in the photo is the Museum of Science and Industry, located in Chigago, Illinois. With three floors of different science exhibits, there is a lot to see. The entire building, with all its exhibits, and a food court, is about the average size of a shopping mall. Most of the people going to the HP exhibit had their tickets in hand while they waited to go into the HP exhibit. Unlike most exhibits, the HP exhibit only lets people in every 10 to 15 minutes. The odd thing is, the exhibit is not even inside the actual museum! It is located outside, kind of. A tunnel of tent canvases leads you to the indoor exhibit from the museum. a guard guards the entrance to it, so that to make sure people have their tickets before entering. To keep people occupied while they wait for their groups' turn inside the exhibit, an announcer would bark out random HP trivia questions from the books or films. Then, when it was time for our group to enter, they approved us one by one, opened the door, and the tour begain.