that was released online by Pottermore Insider.
To the left is early development artwork for
the Griffindor house logo.

Secondly, here is the artwork for Ravenclaw,
which also is an early development sketch.
Here is how, according to Pottermore Insider,
these sketches were created:
"The artists started by talking about the best way to include the natural elements
of fire, earth, water and air into each house; what the best positions and expressions
for the animals would be; and the most effective way to include the house colors
in the final designs.
Their main aim all the way through the process was to make the crests into symbols
that Pottermore users would be proud to display as part of their Pottermore identity.
To start with, three versions were sketched for each house crest. The team then looked at each variation to make absolutely sure the details
and attributes of each house were clearly represented.
The design they felt was the strongest out of the three was selected to go through
to the next stage of the process, which involved adding color to the designs."
To read the full story of these spectacular pieces of art, go to: