For those of you who enjoy Harry Potter apps, or online apps in general,
Warner Bros has released an online app (application) that is a translator, of sorts.
It can translate any typed message into a parseltongue audio message,
which you can then download as a MP3 file, or share on Twitter or Facebook.
Parseltongue, in the Harry Potter books, is the ability to speak to snakes.
And now, muggles (a.k.a. non-magical people,) like ourselves can enjoy
the ability of speaking in parseltongue by simply going to and typing in a message,
and then downloading the MP3 file to your computer or portable device,
so you can enjoy the pleasure of listening to your own parseltongue.
Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix Network, the smash-hit Harry Potter blog, with views from over 30 countries!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 rated PG-13!
It has been confirmed by
that the final Harry Potter movie,
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,
has been rated PG-13 for the following reasons:
"...some sequences of intense action violence,
and frightening images."
This, I don't think, comes as a surprise whatsoever.
With the constant action violence and battle sequences,
it feels only right that the final Harry Potter film goes all-out
and gets a PG-13 label.
It would feel cheap if they cut back on all the great action/battle scenes
from the book, just to fit it all into a PG movie.
Now they can have a lot of liberty with the violence
from the final battle, So a PG-13 rating will be just fine.
that the final Harry Potter movie,
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,
has been rated PG-13 for the following reasons:
"...some sequences of intense action violence,
and frightening images."
This, I don't think, comes as a surprise whatsoever.
With the constant action violence and battle sequences,
it feels only right that the final Harry Potter film goes all-out
and gets a PG-13 label.
It would feel cheap if they cut back on all the great action/battle scenes
from the book, just to fit it all into a PG movie.
Now they can have a lot of liberty with the violence
from the final battle, So a PG-13 rating will be just fine.
all-new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 sneak peek released by Yahoo Movies!
This newest sneak peek at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
was released by Yahoo Movies, and contains many all-new clips from the film.
The sneak peek is about 3 minutes long, and is well worth watching.
It combines some already-seen clips with new clips in a wonderful mix.
However, if you have not read the seventh and final Harry Potter book,
be warned that this sneak peek will have many spoiler-filled clips.
was released by Yahoo Movies, and contains many all-new clips from the film.
The sneak peek is about 3 minutes long, and is well worth watching.
It combines some already-seen clips with new clips in a wonderful mix.
However, if you have not read the seventh and final Harry Potter book,
be warned that this sneak peek will have many spoiler-filled clips.
New posters for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 leaked online today!

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2".
These four posters of Harry, Hermione, Ron,
and Lord Voldemort himself were leaked online
to fans by, a brazilian Harry Potter
fansite, which has more then once in the past
been known for leaking this type of thing online
before anyone else.
All four posters share the exact same caption
"It all ends July 15th".
This is slightly different then past posters.
Normally, all the previous posters would say:
"It all ends 7.15". This one says July 15th.
Why the change?
It likely doesn't mean anything, but it's still interesting.
We now have 18 days left until
the film's release date of July 15th.
Which one is the best? Which is the worst?
Vote on our poll tomorrow!
Enjoy the posters!
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling officially announces Harry Potter e-books!
J.K. Rowling has officially announced that all seven Harry Potter books
will be transformed into e-books when her upcoming Harry Potter website,, premieres online this October.
The retail prices for the Harry Potter e-books is uncertain,
but we'll find out soon, I expect.
More information on the Harry Potter e-books will probably appear
this Fall. We'll have to wait and see.
will be transformed into e-books when her upcoming Harry Potter website,, premieres online this October.
The retail prices for the Harry Potter e-books is uncertain,
but we'll find out soon, I expect.
More information on the Harry Potter e-books will probably appear
this Fall. We'll have to wait and see.
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling officially announces her newest Harry Potter project!
J.K. Rowling has just announced her next official Harry Potter project,
a online interactive website dedicated exclusively to the Harry Potter books.
It's still unknown EXACTLY what will contain,
but we do now have more information on the upcoming website
in this YouTube video released by author J.K. Rowling.
You can watch the full video right here, right above this text.
Pottermore will be premiering online sometime this October,
well after the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,
which enters theaters on July 15th.
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling to officially announce her next Harry Potter project today!

J.K. Rowling will be making an official statement
concerning the future of Harry Potter, and
more specifically, revealing more information on
her current Harry Potter-themed project,
given the simple title of Pottermore .
No one is sure what exactly this could be. Some say
this is the name of the Harry Potter encyclopedia,
currently being written by J.K. Rowling herself.
and others say it's a Harry Potter M.M.O.R.P.G.
(Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game).
I think we can expect a few, if not very definite, answers from J.K. Rowling.
She is expected to issue a statement of some kind sometime later today.
New information on the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 soundtrack leaked online!
Thanks to, the titles
for the final Harry Potter movie soundtrack
have been leaked online, as well as a cover
for the official soundtrack, as seen to the left.
It features the same poster we've all been seeing
for the last several months.
Here's the newly announced
soundtrack track titles:
for the final Harry Potter movie soundtrack
have been leaked online, as well as a cover
for the official soundtrack, as seen to the left.
It features the same poster we've all been seeing
for the last several months.
Here's the newly announced
soundtrack track titles:
1. Lily’s Theme 2. The Tunnel 3. Underworld 4. Gringotts 5. Dragon Flight 6. Neville 7. A New Headmaster 8. Panic Inside Hogwarts 9. Statues 10. The Grey Lady 11. In the Chamber of Secrets 12. Battlefield 13. The Diadem 14. Broomsticks and Fire 15. Courtyard Apocalypse 16. Snape’s Demise 17. Severus and Lily 18. Harry’s Sacrifice 19. The Resurrection Stone 20. Harry Surrenders 21. Procession 22. Neville the Hero 23. Showdown 24. Voldemort’s End 25. A New Beginning |
New Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer just released!
Just yesterday. a brand-new trailer for
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
was released.
It has been confirmed that this is the final trailer
that will be released for the film.
In my opinion, (and you all don't have to agree),
this trailer was good, but not spectacular.
It was an interesting mix of clips.
One of the trailer's faults, I believe, is that it spends far too much time on
showing its viewers clips that we've already seen. About 1/3 of the trailer
is filled with old material. But feel free to judge for yourself as you watch!
Thanks to YouTube, I have overcome the video embedding problem in Blogger,
and have the full trailer for all of you to watch and enjoy!
Two new Harry Potter ultimate editions to be released this Tuesday!
With two all-new Harry Potter ultimate editions
on the way, numbers 5 & 6, following the order
of the Harry Potter films, coming out this Tuesday,
I felt it was time to review what we can expect from
these two ultimate editions in terms of special features.
the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
ultimate edition contains these exclusive features:
- Creating the World of Harry Potter Part 5
- Maximum Movie Mode: a Blu-Ray exclusive.
- Two collectable limited edition character cards
- 45-page booklet with rare images from years 1-7
- Year 5 Lenticular card
The Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
ultimate edition contains these exclusive features:

- Creating the World of Harry Potter Part 6
- Maximum Movie Mode: a Blu-Ray exclusive feature
- Gallery of five ABC Family TV spots for the film
- 44-page booklet with rare images from years 1-7
- Year 6 Lenticular card
- Two limited edition character cards
Comparing this with my expectations,
I'd give these two "Ultimate Editions" a C+.
No way are they worth $30, but when
starts discounting it to $20, that might be something to check out.
So, word of advice for most of you fellow Harry Potter fans:
Hold off buying these ultimate editions if you can.
There are better things to spend your hard-earned $30 on then this.
EXCLUSIVE: LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 release date announced!
I am happy to announce that the
official release date for the upcoming
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 video game
has been leaked by,
and that this is the first Harry Potter fansite
to report on this.
I've checked in on other fansites,
such as, the leaky couldron,
and many others. No one else seems to be
aware of this newest development.
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 will be released in the U.S. on November 1st!
Dates for other countries will be forthcoming soon, I expect.
To see for yourself, go to the LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 page
The retail price for the wii version of the game is $49.99,
as is the PS3 version, and the Xbox 360 version.
The Nintendo DS adaption of the game is $29.99, as is the PSP version,
and the Nintendo 3DS version is $39.99 . The game's PC version will be $29.99 .
With this game being available on the Nintendo 3DS,
players can now have the choice to play LEGO Harry Potter in 3-D!
Which do you prefer: 2-D gaming, or 3-D gaming?
The choice is now yours when you play LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7,
entering stores for the holiday season on November 1st!
official release date for the upcoming
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 video game
has been leaked by,
and that this is the first Harry Potter fansite
to report on this.
I've checked in on other fansites,
such as, the leaky couldron,
and many others. No one else seems to be
aware of this newest development.
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 will be released in the U.S. on November 1st!
Dates for other countries will be forthcoming soon, I expect.
To see for yourself, go to the LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 page
The retail price for the wii version of the game is $49.99,
as is the PS3 version, and the Xbox 360 version.
The Nintendo DS adaption of the game is $29.99, as is the PSP version,
and the Nintendo 3DS version is $39.99 . The game's PC version will be $29.99 .
With this game being available on the Nintendo 3DS,
players can now have the choice to play LEGO Harry Potter in 3-D!
Which do you prefer: 2-D gaming, or 3-D gaming?
The choice is now yours when you play LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7,
entering stores for the holiday season on November 1st!
All-new poster from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 released!
Thanks to,
(, Harry Potter fans
now have yet another seemingly official
poster for the final Harry Potter film,
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
This newest poster of Voldemort shows him blasting a green jet of light,
presumably the Avada Kadavra curse, the killing curse, at Harry Potter
during the final confrontation at the end of the big battle between good and evil.
Below, you can see an enlarged version of that very same banner/poster.
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" enters theaters starting on July 15th.
(, Harry Potter fans
now have yet another seemingly official
poster for the final Harry Potter film,
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
This newest poster of Voldemort shows him blasting a green jet of light,
presumably the Avada Kadavra curse, the killing curse, at Harry Potter
during the final confrontation at the end of the big battle between good and evil.
Below, you can see an enlarged version of that very same banner/poster.
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" enters theaters starting on July 15th.
Total runtime for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 revealed!
Thanks to fellow fansite,
the Harry Potter fandom now knows the exact
runtime for the final film in the Harry Potter series,
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
According to a tip sent in to mugglenet,
the film will be no more then 125 minutes long,
2 hours and 5 minutes, total, making it the
shortest film in the Harry Potter film series.
Here are the runtimes for the films:
We'll just have to wait and find out for ourselves...
the Harry Potter fandom now knows the exact
runtime for the final film in the Harry Potter series,
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
According to a tip sent in to mugglenet,
the film will be no more then 125 minutes long,
2 hours and 5 minutes, total, making it the
shortest film in the Harry Potter film series.
Here are the runtimes for the films:
- - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: 152 minutes
- - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 161 minutes
- - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 141 minutes
- - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 157 minutes
- - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 138 minutes
- - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 153 minutes
- - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1: 147 minutes
- -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2: 125 minues
We'll just have to wait and find out for ourselves...
NEW official movie posters for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2!
Thanks to Warner Bros, and,
Harry Potter fans can now enjoy all-new
official film posters for the eighth and final
film in the Harry Potter franchise,
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
In this post are the newly released posters of
Harry, Hermione, Ron, Bellatrix, Draco, Griphook,
Voldemort, Mcgonagall, Fred & George Weasley,
Lord Voldemort, and Neville.
Take a look at them all, and/or download them
to your computer!
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
will enter theaters on July 15th.
These are official posters, so don't be afraid that
Warner Bros will take them down.
There's little chance of that happening. Enjoy!
Harry Potter fans can now enjoy all-new
official film posters for the eighth and final
film in the Harry Potter franchise,
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
In this post are the newly released posters of
Harry, Hermione, Ron, Bellatrix, Draco, Griphook,
Voldemort, Mcgonagall, Fred & George Weasley,
Lord Voldemort, and Neville.
Take a look at them all, and/or download them
to your computer!
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
will enter theaters on July 15th.
These are official posters, so don't be afraid that
Warner Bros will take them down.
There's little chance of that happening. Enjoy!
All-New LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 game pics revealed!

As you can see alongside this text, All-new
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 game pics
have been released.
On the top left is a game pic of Harry and Ron,
exploring Hogwarts castle at night.
Second is a picture of Ron casting a spell,
followed by yet another picture with Ron,
this third picture featuring Ron at the center,
with Hogwarts castle in partial ruin.

The bottom-left pic is one of Harry and Hermione
awaiting the school train, the Hogwarts Express.
Finally, (directly below), a snapshot of Harry,
Ron, and Hermione sneaking around the school
long after they are allowed to.

Enjoy the photos!

NEW clip from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 released!
Just minutes ago, released an exclusive clip from the final film
in the Harry Potter franchise, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2".
If you haven't already read the books, and don't wish to be spoiled,
then I highly recommend that you do not watch this clip.
We'll have a full review of the clip on the next episode of PhoenixCast,
due out within the next few days. Enjoy the clip!
in the Harry Potter franchise, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2".
If you haven't already read the books, and don't wish to be spoiled,
then I highly recommend that you do not watch this clip.
We'll have a full review of the clip on the next episode of PhoenixCast,
due out within the next few days. Enjoy the clip!
All-new game trailer released for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 videogame!
Thanks to Electronic Arts,
an all-new game trailer for
"Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
has just been released today.
You can load, watch, and enjoy
the video straight from this blog post!
Although you can hear all our
thoughts and opinions on the trailer
on the next episode of PhoenixCast,
due out very soon, for the time being,
I'd give this trailer a 7.5 out of 10.
But any of you reading this post
can watch and form your own opinion.
Either way, enjoy the trailer!
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