"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2".
These four posters of Harry, Hermione, Ron,
and Lord Voldemort himself were leaked online
to fans by oclumencia.com, a brazilian Harry Potter
fansite, which has more then once in the past
been known for leaking this type of thing online
before anyone else.
All four posters share the exact same caption
"It all ends July 15th".
This is slightly different then past posters.
Normally, all the previous posters would say:
"It all ends 7.15". This one says July 15th.
Why the change?
It likely doesn't mean anything, but it's still interesting.
We now have 18 days left until
the film's release date of July 15th.
Which one is the best? Which is the worst?
Vote on our poll tomorrow!
Enjoy the posters!