New Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer just released!

 Just yesterday. a brand-new trailer for
 "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
 was released.

  It has been confirmed that this is the final trailer
  that will be released for the film.

 In my opinion, (and you all don't have to agree),
 this trailer was good, but not spectacular.
 It was an interesting mix of clips.

One of the trailer's faults, I believe, is that it spends far too much time on
showing its viewers clips that we've already seen. About 1/3 of the trailer
is filled with old material. But feel free to judge for yourself as you watch!

Thanks to YouTube, I have overcome the video embedding problem in Blogger,
and have the full trailer for all of you to watch and enjoy!