Pottermore.com temporarily taken offline, set for release in early April!

Earlier this week, on Monday, Pottermore Insider
revealed that Pottermore will be undergoing final
improvements and bug fixes in preperation for
the official launch, which has been confirmed
to take place sometime early next month.

Here was the official announcement
 from the Pottermore Insider staff:

"As planned, pottermore.com is now offline 
for approximately one week. 

We’re making some technical updates in order to 
ready the site for its opening in early April. 

We’ll let you know here and on Twitter page as soon as they’re complete." 

Looks like Pottermore is nearing the final days of beta,
and will soon be launched worldwide to the public.

The one question remaining is:
What will Pottermore's release mean for the future of Harry Potter?
Will it be the thing to keep the fandom alive and thriving for the next few years,
or will it end up being the thing that destroys it?