Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix Network, the smash-hit Harry Potter blog, with views from over 30 countries!
New Blog updates now added
The reason for this change in charity is one in many decisions recently made, concerning future additions and subtractions to the features depicted on this blog's homepage.
Nearly all the other decisions will NOT come into effect until January 2010.
But two changes that have come into effect are as follows: the LEGO Harry Potter mini-game has been confirmed as a permanent feature on this webpage. Also, a sneak peek of the upcoming HP theme park is available for a limited time on this site.
Bill Nighy discusses role in HP7
When discussing his film character, Rufus Scrimgeour, he states: "Scrimgeour is a tragic figure. He knows what's coming.
"It's a very moving thing to play." He also states:
"he has an interesting relationship with Harry, who views him initially with contempt. But then it's softened by subsequent events."
Given how little (yet important) a role this character had in
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", it is surprising, yet relieving, that WB has decided that Bill Nighy's character makes the cut.
new HP theme park details released
A video of the park was just released, and is now avalible on the blog.
It displays the many magical features the park will contain.
Visitors to the HP park will not be disappointed by what they will see.
Note: Because the Harry Potter copyright is held by JK Rowling
and Warner Bros, they do have the right to remove this sneek park at the theme park at any given time, so be warned, this video may not be on this site forever. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Blog Announcement
However, The Order of the Phoenix is not responsible for any inappropriate content depicted on any of the linked webpages.
LEGO Harry Potter game news (Part 2)
It has not been said if the game will have versus game modes,
like in one of the LEGO Star Wars games, but two player drop-in, drop-out
Co-Op is confirmed as a game feature, where a second player can jump into the game at any given time.
One suspected but possible feature in the game is the ability to fight game bosses. In every single LEGO video game to date, players would have to defend themselves against computor controlled characters, and hit them with both player weapons, and background objects until the boss runs out of health.
Players will have the opportunity to experiment with the game's features when it premires in stores in Spring 2010.
LEGO Harry Potter game news (part 1)
In the interview with Game Insider, LEGO was careful not to reveal too much about the gameplay in their newest
"LEGO Harry Potter" video game, but it was hinted that players could explore areas in the Harry Potter world that was not shown very much in the films, as well as interact with computor controlled characters, much like the "LEGO Star Wars" video games, where you could trade with computor characters to unlock new playable characters, or fight with or against them.
Another revealed secret was that the player's characters
evolve and can unlock new abilities. Much still remains unknown about the game however, which is how LEGO likes it.
HP7 trailer announcement
All good things must come to an end, appearantly including the trailer.
Blog announcement
Thank you to everyone who contribuated to the Peace & Human Rights campaign. It has quickly become a success.
Second, the HP7 trailer may be removed from the site shortly, because it is uncertain if WB will allow it to remain on the web.
A more pleasant announcement is that there may be some pleasant changes to this blog to replace the HP trailer, so as to make this site more interactive for visitors. A statement discussing this will be avalible as soon as things are decided.
Thank You, and Happy Holidays!
HP7 teaser trailer now online
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" through this blog.
Though it should be noted that in the unlikely event this video is taken off Youtube, through which this trailer is avalible from, then the trailer will be taken off this blog as well. For the meantime however, enjoy!
HP7 teaser trailer leaked online
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1". Unfortunetly WB reconsidered their choice of putting their trailer on the web, and took it off the web. Most fansites were less then happy about this change of heart, and stubbornly refused to take it off. But most agreed, a little unwillingly, and took the copies of the trailer off their websites.
It is unclear why WB decided after all their effort to put the trailer on the web, just to place it off-limits again.
HP6 DVD review
Both versions, basic and deluxe, of the film are apperantly selling very well with all the holiday shoppers.
New LEGO HP trailer!
This trailer will replace its predecessor on this site to conserve space.
Blog earning money for the Peace & Human Rights campaign
"Peace to the World, and goodwill torward man".
Happy Holidays.
Blog upate
Feel free to donate to this excellent cause. All proceeds go directly to the campaign to support peace in the world as well as promote and/or human rights.
New HP 7 scene added to part 1 of film
In a wedding scene in book seven of the Harry Potter series, filmakers have added a dance scene with Harry and Hermione not shown or mentioned in the books that filmakers think will "go with the overall plot of this film".
If this is indeed true or not, either way, fans will have to find out themselves when the film premires in November 2010.
HP theme park pictures emerge
and JK Rowling.
The photos depict the construction of something like a small sixteenth
hndredth century village, and overlooking the village, a large castle, clearly the castle depicted in the HP books.
Inside the village, WB representatives have confirmed, stores selling HP merchandise will be located. Some of the merchandise has been confirmed to be exclusive.
LEGO Harry Potter mini-game now avalible
Harry Potter video game based on the LEGO franchise, a LEGO Harry Potter mini-game is now avalible to play for free on this website. The mini-game in question was first released on the LEGO website, as well as avalible to put on Blogger and other website-making resources using a copyable computer code.
This mini-game will not be a permanent feature on this site, so enjoy this while it lasts.
the "LEGO Harry Potter" copyright is a owned trademark and is property of LEGO, and Time Warner.
LEGO CT convention unveils new HP material
In a LEGO convention held in Hartford, Connecticut, life-sized HP figurines were shown,and, in the case of some, larger then most humans. four unique statues, depicting Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasly.
A 10 foot tall statue of Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper, was also present.
"Harry Potter" boston exhibit is shown on TV
Boston Museum of Science. While the NBC 30 sneek peek didn't exactly show HP fans stuff they hadn't seen before, it was encouraging to hear from both parents and employees how well this exhibit was recieved.
New blog update
At the bottom of this site page, along with the HP audiobook samples, are links to Facebook and Twitter, where, as the options state, you can tweet about this blog on Twitter, or share it on Facebook. Enjoy!
HP exhibition premires in Boston
It is now displayed at the Boston Museum of Science. Ticket prices are high for entrance to the museum, as well as seperate tickets to the exhibition. But judging from the exhibition in Chigago, this exhibition will be no
rip-off for most HP fans.
Blog updates include new bonus feature on site
Australian Harry Potter 6 DVD to feature exclusive sneek peek at next film
However, with the film over a year away, it is unlikely that actual filming and special effects are yet complete, so it is more probable that it may be more documentary then footage.
HP theme park information now avalible!

Universal theme park in Orlando, Florida. Featured in the theme park are several places and features shown in the Harry Potter books and films. Names of some of the attractions in the park have been recently been announced by WB representitives at a press event. Including the following: Hogwarts castle, Hagrid's hut, Hogsmede
village, and other attractions not seen in any of the HP books or films, such as the added roller coaster, "The Dragon Challenge", and "Flight of the Hippogriff".
And WB confirmed that other features will be added. They have not confirmed if they intend on adding a giant lake, as was mentioned in the books and films, was next to the main castle. Considering the lack of room for the theme park, it is possible that it may not be included. All that remains, is to find out for certain. To download the picture for viewing on a computor, right-click the picture, and click "save picture as". More updates on the theme park will be made when more information is released.
WB announces planned release of new HP DVD game
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix".
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", and The game also features new activities and other exclusive games. In a press release, WB announced the titles of all the planned mini-games. There are fourteen activities in all.
The game premires on December 1st, 2009, wherever dvds are sold. It is to be priced at $24.99 at most retailers. And according to its producers, the DVD game is intended to do fairly well over the holidays. It will be a little time to find out if this guess is right, or otherwise, sometime in early spring 2010.
HP DVD extended edition to be released

Though it was considered a rumor, It has been confirmed that WB is marketing extended editions of the Harry Potter films, the first two released just in time for the holidays. Appearantly, WB is reluctant to let one of their all-time franchises die. With the final Harry Potter film premiring in July 2011, WB is starting to plot ways to keep the fandom alive. And their plans seem to be succeding. extended movie editions, video game contracts with LEGO to produce HP video games. Though most seem to feel that the HP fandom will die the night after the final film premires, I have the opinion that this is overkill. With these items, and with JK Rowling's encyclopedia currently under work, HP fans will still have much to look forward to in the coming years.
HP theme park announcement

"The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" on September 15th. This is appearantly true, for Universal began sending out press invitations. Much speculation is surrounding this announcement, for Universal and Warner Bros have kept things very quiet up until now. One possible explanation could have something to due to this fact. As construction began for the HP addition to Universal's theme park, it was stated by officals from both companies that the HP addition to the Universal park would debut somewhere between Fall 2009 and Spring 2010. It is possible that Universal has chosen a premire date, and has decided the time is ripe to announce the exact date.
As no confirmation has been announced concerning this, this possibility should be counted as a rumor until either company confirms it.
JK Rowling: Back working on HP encyclopedia?

"Harry Potter" book series, has revealed startling new evidence concerning his fellow author. He announced on BBC radio that the last time he saw JKR, he noted that she was working hard on a HP encyclopedia, an encyclopedia, she claimed, she was not planning on releasing anytime soon, after a enlonged court trial. The reason of this trial being that a fan of the series, named Steven Vander Ark, announced his intentions of releasing a dictionary strikingly similar to the encyclopedia manuscript JKR herself admitted to be writting. After much deliberation, the judge ruled in favor of JKR. But Steven Vander Ark published his book, however, but on the cover of the book was a notice decreeing that the book was unauthorized.
The trial took a heavy toll on Ms Rowling however, and she announced her intent to delay work and/or publication of her encyclopedia.
But appearantly, JKR could not resist the urge to once again pick up her pen and paper. And many of the fans agree with this.
Once an author, evermore an author.
HBP box office update

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", the newest HP film in the series, looks to be well on its way to making it onto the top ten box office earners. It has just surpassed all but two films out of the previous five. Only the first film,
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", and film 5,
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", remain ahead of film 6. The sixth film is currently dominating 12th place on the alltime list, and is slowly creeping closer to 11th place. At the present time, it is unclear where the film will end up.
HBP lands in top 15 in box office list

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", the newest addition to the world-wide franchise, has made quite an impression on the worldwide box office. The movie currently stands at 14th at the worldwide box office with $886 million dollars, passing the second film, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", which earned
$878.6 million dollars, and stopped at No. 15 on the list. It doesn't seem unlikely that it'll finish somewhere in the top 10. It is still 68 million dollars short of passing the highest earning film in the series,
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", the first, and highest-grossing film in the entire series to date, coming in at $938.2 million dollars. Though people were originally concerned, given the fact that it went from #1 earning movie in the first week, then got bumped down by Disney's film, "G-Force". Although it lost first place, the film has so far appeared to be a steady earner.
HBP DVD cover revealed

Since the film had just been released July 15th, some fans debate if this might be a tad early for DVD covers yet, and yet here it is. The picture on the left is shown to be the two-disk special edition of the film. All the HP films to date have had both basic and special editions released simultaneously. And the two films in the series that have been released in July, movies 3 and 5, have both been released in the same timespan, mid-November. This is just in time for christmas, the timeframe when,generally, the most DVD copies are sold. This is a good opportunity for WB in another way as well. The DVD will be released almost exactly a year before the premire of the following film in November 2010.
HP film franchise blamed for owl abuse

While most people have praised the HP film franchise, HP film haters now have a new reason to rant. The reason being Harry Potter's owl, Hedwig. Her appearances in the films and books have made young children beg their parents for an owl like Harry's.
And some did. Only months ago, the United States government has placed heavier restrictions on the importations of exiotic animals, like owls. Suddenly, people have to surrender their owls and try to release them in a natural environment.
The result, too many owls on their own. In an interview with UK newspaper site,
"The Telegraph", animal expert Don Walser, who has just opened a owl sanctuary in Newport, CT, stated: "The problem is that no licence is required, anyone can buy an owl." But not everyone is best suited for raising one.
HP exhibit to next visit Boston museum

But WB representatives have stated that fans will not regret going to its new location, for they confirmed thaat they will be adding props and other objects from the final two films as they tour the country. This is not the first time the museum has been used as a base for other exhibits. Only a few years ago, the museum played host to an exhibit based on the reknown "Star Wars" sci-fi films. There was a large amount of space dedicated to the exhibit, and the space avalible would perfectly suit an "Harry Potter" exhibit, and everything it contains, plus the extra material that may be added by WB. The exhibit is planned for an October release. Tickets to the exhibit are sold separately, and are not included in admittions to the rest of the museum.
HP film extended editions rumored to be released

As unofficially announced by Warner Bros, the producer of all the HP films, the entire HP film series will be re-released, with deleated or extended scenes included.
However, some sites are not over-excited by this fact. Some worry that the extended parts will not add much to the pre-existing films. Some compare the extended editions to the kind shown on ABC Family from time to time, featuring less then a quarter of an hour's extra footage.
Though either way, the releases of the extended films will appease the die-hard fans, such as myself, WB might be hard pressed to please the average film viewer, when the previous film version can be bought for only $9.99 at most stores.
At the present time, little details are known about these extended editions, so, for the present, it should be counted as a rumor until WB representatives confirm otherwise.
HBP scores large sum worldwide

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", the newest addition to the HP franchise, has appeared to make quite an impression at the box office, scoring 255 and a half milion dollars in total so far, and WB has made the impression previously that it will keep on rolling. Overseas, however, the film was an even bigger hit, earning WB over 493 million dollars. However, most people in general were unsure about the overall amount, considering the fact that, in the second box office week, the film's earnings had dropped by 50% in total. But the film so far has made an admirable amount, as do most of the films in the HP series have done. And, although the earnings still remain good, the amounts are dropping. Though the newly released IMAX version of the film is doing well, and has made more then a fair share, the amounts are dropping, but not as bad as some predicted. Which suits WB just fine.
DH filming update

Over the last few weeks, the film cast for the final HP film,
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" have been seen preparing to film at several different locations. photos of some of the filmed scenes are avalible as of now.
The snapshot shown to the left depicts the character trio walking down a london road titled Tottenham Court road. The road in question appears in more then one form of literature. It has also appeared in the work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, well known for his many novels and stories of Sherlock Holmes. Tottenham Court road appears in one of these crime-solving storits stories. It was not uncommon for real-life locations to appear in his works. So, although it appears unlikely that JK Rowling intentionally copied the street name knowing its previous known appearance, but it is an interesting fact that should be noted.

HP actor Jamie Waylett sentanced
It was expected that he would get a maximum jail sentance of 14 years behind bars. However, the judge ruled otherwise. Waylett has been charged with 120 hours of community service. Why this abrupt change of heart took place, no one knows. It was said that he might recieve the maximum sentance.
HBP receives large popularity over short time span

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" appears to attracted great reviews, and money, two things Warner Bros and Electronic Arts are deeply concerned with, as they are with every game.
Reviews of the actual film have been pretty decent. Yahoo Movies shows that both their critics and Yahoo users both agree on a B+ grade. (Yahoo places user reviews all in one group, and combine all the user grades to make an average grade,
thus, a B+). Many theaters sold out of tickets to the midnight premire of the film.
At one particular premire, in New York City, many notable HP acters and actresses attend the premire there, including the main three actors who play the main three characters. The photo above depicts Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry Potter, on the red carpet.

Meanwhile, WB is not relying exclusively on the profits from the offical video game on the gaming systems. WB and Electronic Arts have also produced a mobile video game, following the same plot as the offical video game and film.
(Picture of mentioned mobile game shown above). Though the overall visual graphics no where near as realistic as the main video game, it still will be an intriguing game to those who enjoy downloading and playing games on their mobile phone(s).
The game itself features the usual characters, locations, and objects featured in the HP books and films. It is avalible for purchase through most mobile phone companies. Prices for the game are usually in the $6.99 - $7.99 price range.
Much of the latest news has been adressed.
Hopefully, more photos of the mentioned subjects will be avalible shortly.
Future posts will be made when important HP announcements are made.
Review of Chigago HP exhibit now avalible (Part 2)

Whem working on a film that requires CGI, (computer generated imagery), like the kind used in the HP films to show some of the more fictional characters. It normally takes a model made by hand before an image of the thing can be transfered to the computor to make the figure move. Some models of the HP creatures were avalible to look at inside the exhibit. And pre-recorded sound effects were added below some of the creatures, so that they would make some of the same sounds as they did in the films. At the very end of the exhibit, the exit led everyone straight into a specially designed gift shop, filled with all kinds of HP collectible items, some exclusive collectibles only avalible when you go to the exhibit. And from there, when you left there, it led us straight back to the museum from which we had started in the first place.
This is the coverage of our visit to the Chigago Museum of Science and Industry.
Review of Chigago HP exhibit now avalible (Part 1)

HP actor Jamie Waylett charged for growing drugs

Jamie Waylett, known to HP fans as playing Draco Malfoy's thug, Vincent Crabbe, is now being charged with fourteen years behind bars for drug possession. Many months ago, the police had found that he had been growing a large amount of marijuana in his house. The final trial to confirm this charge will occur on July 16th, only a day after the US premire of the newest HP film. Unfortunately, if Jamie Waylett is found guilty, then he may not be able to be avalible for filming of the final two films, therefore, it is possible his character may be removed from the two films.
HBP re-rated in Connecticut

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", the newest HP film, has been re-rated, according to movie tickets released by movie theater company AMC theaters. The film is now rated PG-13 according to pre-ordered tickets.
It does not say on the ticket why the film's rating has changed. But reviews of the film seem to explain why. In an interview with HP actor Matt Lewis, he admitts that the film was dark . "There has been an element of darkness all the way through." current HP director David Heyman said in an interview with Showcase Cinemas:
"I think it’s on a par with the previous film". The previous film was rated PG-13.
So is it so far-fetched to believe that HBP may have earned a new rating? After all, in the UK, HBP has been rated 12A, the equivalent of PG-13.
What is unusual is that WB has not yet commented on this. Whether they knew of this new rating or not is unclear. With only a little over a week until the film's premire, if WB knew of this new rating, a statement should be expected.
HP theme park preparing for premire late this year

The upcoming mini theme park, "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter", has done major construction, making preparations for the newest addition to Universal's theme park.
A new poll has also just been released, asking people
"What of these(HP)creatures would scare you the most?" the avalible answers are:
The Whomping Willow, A dragon, A basilisk, a dementor, or an acromantula.
Anyone is welcome to vote on the page. To see this poll and others, go to the offical HP theme park website.
The planned premire of the HP part of Universal is set for sometime during winter this year. No specific premire date has been announced as of now, which is the unusual thing. If Universal plans on premiring it during this coming winter, surely they would have released a premire date, and/or other public announcements like allowing people to reserve day passes into the park. Why? This remains unknown.
HBP video game released into stores

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", the newest HP video game, has now been released into stores across the country. Prices of the game vary by system, but the actual game itself has gotten pretty good ratings by players. Not many reviews are avalible as of now. But the Nintendo Wii version of the game has gotten very good grades on sites like amazon.com, where it was given four stars in both reviews.
On the other hand, not all shipments of the game have been recieved yet by retailers like Wallmart. But most other stores have made copies of the game avalible to buy.
The two photos shown on either side of this post are actual screenshots taken from inside the game. One one side, a single photo depicts Harry, keeping his wand at the ready. In the other shows Harry and Dumbledore stopping and staring at something or someone with great intensity. If any suggestions are avalible, anyone is welcome to leave their suggestion or comment about this post below this post by double clicking on the "comments" tab.

itunes premires new HBP clip

Only days ago, itunes, the online music store, premired an exclusive new clip of the newest HP film, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". The clip opens with an introduction by the three HP stars, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint.
The clip itself a little over two minutes in length, featuring many lines used in the book. The clip features one of the more climactic scenes in the book.
(For spoiler reasons, the scene itself will not be named). It is avalible for download on itunes for people to download and watch on their computor, ipod, or other mp3 player.
EA Mobile to release mobile version of newest HP film

EA Mobile, a branch of Electronic Arts, has announced that they are releasing a mobile version based off the new HP film, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince".
The game is planned for released next month. The download price of the game is unknown for the present. Here is the offical discription of the game as presented by Electronic Arts (This notice has been edited from its oringinal format): "Experience the magic of Harry Potter in this exciting new mobile game for feature phones based on the latest installment, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This delivers all the fun of the movie through varied, action-packed gameplay in the interactive setting of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Join Harry, Ron and Hermione as they explore the school grounds, interact with other characters, and battle Dark Forces in an all-new free roaming environment."
Why this game is not premiring with the film itself is still unknown.
HBP game demo premires online

Earlier in the week, a game demo of the newest HP video game,
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", debued on the web.
Very good timing indeed, given the fact that the game actully is released only about a week after the demo's oringinal release. The game is being released on its assigned date of Tuesday, June 30th, 2009. Only three days from now. The game devlopers say that one of the features of the game is that it has multiplayer modes.
What all of these modes are have not yet been confirmed. It is rumored that players can duel with each other in an arena. EA did say that there is a co-op mode in the game. The game, like the last two games, has been given a E10+ rating by the ESRB.
WB and EA games try to show that this game is much different then the previous one.
There is many extra features advertised to be in the game to make it more appealing to non-HP fans. EA has also made it clear to the public that they have spent a lot of time and effort to make it even more interesting when played on the Nintendo Wii.
It is confirmed that parts of the game will be motion-based on the Wii.
HP fans can only hope, with all these interesting special features, that this game will be as good as its producers say it is.
LEGO Harry Potter set prices raise

Very recently, on amazon.com, the LEGO HP sets are becoming exceedingly rare.
For example, the newest version of the Hogwarts castle, based off the fifth HP film,
now costs $369.99. previously released $9.99 sets for movies 3 and 4 now cost double their original price. The HP LEGO sets are now becoming a collector's item.
So,a suggestion to those who want to get the sets. Get them now, before they get even more expensive then they already are. To the LEGO HP sets, I quote from
William Shakespeare: "Parting is such sweet sorrow".
HP stars forget name of HP film when asked

19-year-old HP star Daniel Radcliffe, and 20 year old HP Co-star Rupert Grint went into a nearby bar late last night, (UK time,) And after drinking their fill, The pair of them were asked by a trivia machine to name the most recently released Harry Potter film. perplexed, They did not have an answer to the question. People around them watched with interest, but did not help them, because they thought they were only having a laugh, them being stars of the mentioned film. They lost the question, but then realized why the bystanders were laughing.
Dan and Rupert themselves laughed after they realized the joke,vand left the bar.
Both of them are currently still filming their roles in the final, two-part adaption of JK. Rowling's final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows".
HP director choses splitting point for two part film

David Yates, in an interview with the LA Times, admitted that he had just chosen a good scene to split the final, two-part HP film. He refused to say openly what scene, but said the preferred splitting point was climactic, and it helps to note that Yates and the cast were ending it in a forest scene. What could this final scene be? This question remains unanswered.
Rupert Grint gives his opinion on newest HP film

In an interview, Rupert Grint, acter of HP character Ronald Weasley, talks freely about his character's role in the upcoming film. When discussing his character's
lovelife in the newest film, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". He says:
“At the start, he thinks he’s quite the man. But after a while he finds her a bit overwhelming because his girlfriend is sort of over the top; she’s starting to scare him." Rupert Grint, like many of the other HP actors, seems to think highly of the newest film.
New HBP movie posters premire online

Earlier today, five new posters, as shown on top of this post, were released by WB in an attempt to publisize the release of the film as much as possible, considering the fact that they have less then a month until the premire, and to cause some exitement among the fans. It seemed to have worked. The five offically released pictures depict some of the more major characters of the film. The unusual thing about the released photos is the fact that WB did not put the release date on any of the posters. Below each character in each poster, there is the title of the film,
but no date unlike most movie posters. Another post will be made if more are released.
No more HP LEGO sets to be released

A few weeks ago, LEGO's HP contract expired. Originally, they had signed a contract giving them the option to create and sell sets based of the first five HP films.
But, many months after the fifth film was released, They were given the chance to pay money to have the chance to release more HP building sets by signing a new contract,but they refused. Because of their actions, no more sets based of the films will be released for this new movie, or the last two films following. This seems an odd choice, because recently, LEGO announced that they were underway with producing a video game based off the HP books and films, and debuted a trailer for the game.
The expired contract already came into effect. No HBP sets will be in stores this summer.
DH set photo leaks online

This photo leaked online from the set of the final, two-part film. It appears to be taken from the first part of the two-part film, because they are still casting for the second part, so we can only assume it is not from the second part. It is still unclear what exact scene of the book this picture depicts. If viewers of this blog have any ideas, please feel free to leave a comment below this post.
HP Theatrical trailer edited when shown in theaters

The theatrical trailer for the newest HP film,
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" has been edited from its main version when shown in theaters. some more of the scarier clips to young viewers that were shown in the original version of the trailer have been edited when shown before films in the theater. No one from WB has officially answered why, but it is possible that WB is trying to advertise the film as family-friendly as possible. Some pictures of the cut clips will be posted on this blog within the week.
Pictures emerge for last HP softcover

Earlier today, ads for the softcover version of the final HP book appeared in the latest issue of Nickelodeon Magazine. A picture appeared on the front cover of the issue, along with information about the film cast, a HP trivia test, and more.
This may seem an unusual amount of publicity for a softcover version of a HP book,
considering how little attention previous american HP softcovers have gotten.
The release for the softcover is set for July 7th, just in time for the 6th film's release on July 15th. According to online retailers, the softcover is 784 pages long.
It is avalible for pre-order in bookstores and online retailers.
Director of HP gives out new details about new film

David Heyman, director of the latest "Harry Potter" film speaks on behalf of the film, saying that the upcoming film "Is no darker" then the previous film,
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". This is a good thing, because that film was rated PG-13, and this newest film has recieved a PG rating by the MPAA.
HP star Daniel Radcliffe previously had stated that he liked the film, but said
that the film was a little dark. Fans will find out for themselves if this is true.
JK Rowling sued over plagiarism claim

No results of this ongoing court trial are avalible as of now. More information on the trial are expected shortly.
DH movie posters leak online

Hardwick Hall rumored to be set in upcoming HP film

Newest HP film rated 12A in UK while PG rating remains in the US

equivalent of a PG-13 rating in the US. Yet it was previously announced in the US theatrical trailer for the film that it was rated PG for the following: scary images, some violence, language and mild sensuality. So the question remains, Why is it confirmed to be PG in the US, and recieve a higher rating in the UK? WB has refused to comment on the matter.
IMAX version of latest HP film delayed

It has been announced recently that the IMAX version of the newest HP film,
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" has been delayed until July 29th, exactly two weeks after the film's planned release date alongside the basic version of the film on July 15th because, according to reports online, IMAX had already comitted to show the sequel to "Transformers" for another studio.
And that movie happened to premire only two weeks before the HP movie,
So, the IMAX version of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" was pushed back.
The release date for the basic version of the film will not be affected in the slightest by the changed release date to the IMAX version.
"LEGO Harry Potter" video game scheduled for 2010 release

HP set visit open to lucky fan
re-releasing the five currently avalible DVDs, and place a token inside one random HP DVD casing. Whoever is able to find that lucky token has the exclusive chance to be on the set of the upcoming final two part film, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", and see what it is truly like, to see the process of filming an HP film.
It is said the finder of the lucky token will be able to visit the studio, and prehaps meet various
members of the cast, for one full week at the filming studio.
HBP running time announced

new "Harry Potter" game trailer surfaces

From what the trailer depicted, the game seems very true to the book. And, WB added some extra features to make it worth the $50.00 you have to pay for it. In this game, players can duel each other, casting spells and charms at each other in the
Multi-Player dueling arena. You can also explore the castle and the outoor grounds, plus other features.
It was recently announced that WB moved the release date of the game from coming out with
the movie on July 15th, the date for the game moved back to June 30th.
With amazing graphics, a multi-player option, and the option to just explore the many levels of the catsle as you roam free, this is a game not to miss!
Harry Potter audiobook samples now avalible!

click on the jukebox at the bottom of the page that lists the books in order, pick one, hit play, sit back, and enjoy!
The HP jukebox was created by randomhouse.com .
This version of the jukebox is not authorized by random house, JKR, or anyone involved in the making of HP books or films.
Order of the Phoenix ning now available
Language or other inappropriate comments on the ning will result in banning.
Newly released HP TV Spots
WB is pumping out promotion for the film, which most HP sites don't seem to mind.
Thoughts from the other members of this guild will be availible within the next two weeks.
For TEENS only!
We are a group of teens who meet bimonthly to discuss the latest on HP news. We are reaching out to you, to include you in our discussions online.
We are, in no way, affiliated with JK Rowling or Warner Brothers, Or anyone involved in the making of the HP films, books, or releated merchandise.
PLEASE, when online, refrain from inappropriate language or comments. This is meant to be a safe site for teens to visit and enjoy. Inappropriate behaviors or comments will result in banning.