Order of the Phoenix News Network celebrates 3rd birthday!

It has been now exactly 3 years since the day that this blog,
The Order of the Phoenix News Network, first opened its virtual doors.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same."
All eight Harry Potter films are now out. All the books written.
Pottermore was announced, and is now open to the public.

But you, the fans, have never changed.
The Harry Potter fandom has far from died.

News from within the Harry Potter community continues to surface.
And we, The Order of the Phoenix News Network, will continue, as always, to report it.

We have great things set in motion for The Order of the Phoenix News Network,
as you will soon discover in upcoming announcements later this week,
but we just wanted to say Thank You, All of you, for your continued support,
without which, this blog would never have lasted nearly as long as it has.